Page:Gaston Leroux--The bride of the sun.djvu/30

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"The Festival of the Sun.... You see, three quarters of the troops on both sides are Indian.... So, of course, they get drunk together during the fêtes.... In the end, Garcia will be driven over the Boloisan border, but in the meantime he is playing the very mischief with fertilizer rates."

She turned toward the liner again, and, catching sight of Uncle Francis, raised her hand in reply to the frantic waving of a notebook.

"How are you, Mr. Montgomery?" she cried. "Did you enjoy the crossing?"

The gangways were run out, and they went on board.

Mr. Montgomery's first question was the same as had been his nephew's.

"Well, and how is business?"

For all those who knew her in Europe had marveled at the change which had come over the "little girl" at her mother's death, and her sudden determination to return to Peru and herself take charge of the family's fertilizer business and concessions. She had also been influenced in this decision by the fact that there were her little brother and sister, Isabella and Christobal, who needed her care. And finally there was her father, perhaps the greatest child of the three, who had always royally spent the money which his wife's business brought in.