Page:Gaston Leroux--The bride of the sun.djvu/84

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Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Chili. At this point, señores, he decided that his soldiers were still too many. He had noticed that some faces were dissatisfied, and, fearing that the discontent might spread, he decided to cut away the weak limbs before the gangrene reached the main body. Marshalling his men, he told them that they had reached a crisis in their fortunes—not a man must go on who doubted its ultimate success. It was still not too late for waverers to return to San Miguel, where he had already left some of his companions. He was prepared to risk all with those who still wished to follow him. Nine men took advantage of Pizarro's offer—four infantrymen and five from the cavalry. The others stopped with their general."

"And cheered him to the echo at the call of Christobal de la Torre, who served the Conquistador like a brother!" exclaimed the Marquis.

"We know, we know!" repeated the clerk. His tone roused the Marquis again.

"And might I ask why you are pleased to recall all these things?" demanded Don Christobal haughtily.

"To prove to you, señor, that the vanquished know the history of their country even better than the conquerors," retorted Runtu with an emphasis not a little ridiculous in a man of his dress and calling.