Page:General Abercrombie's Elegy.pdf/6

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For girls and friends and books also,
You’ll find them all the same.

Then be advised and warning take,
From such a man as me :
I'm neither Pope nor Cardinal,
Nor one of high degree.
You’ll find displeasure every where
Then do as I have done,
E’en tune your pipe and please you self,
With John of Badenyon.


Air.—The Hills o’ Glenorchy.

O sandy what, makes you grumble and growl,
A mind discontented will ne'er do weel.
It’s nought but a harrowing out o’ your soul,
To think on, or (illegible text) at the (illegible text) or the meal
What though ye should wallow like wine in a gutter,
Divested at ance o your (illegible text) and your (illegible text),
Be silent or soon you will (illegible text).
As mak’ you (illegible text), and run neck and heel.

A cog o' (illegible text) a scot was a feast,
When Scotland stood single, but now when she's join’d
To her pamper'd sister she's (illegible text) her taste,
To feed on rich (illegible text) she now is inclin'd
But she (illegible text)

To place (illegible text) luxuries upon her table,