Page:General Abercrombie's Elegy.pdf/8

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The lads that are fens fed and haughty and rich,
Will mock at your cares nor regard ye a flee
Ye mind when ye sent up petitions to Lunnon,
They laugh at your want and began wi their punnin,
An’ should ye grow furious you’re sure o’a gunnin,
Or wizzens weel rax'd wi’ the hemp on a tree.

Ye ken the bees foster and honour their drones,
An' birds wi’ gay plumage demand aye esteem,
Be frank then an' frugal and honour your dons,
Altho' they three fourths o' your living should claim.
It's this that will make ye respeckit an happy
An' fortune may aid you altho' she's a taupie,
But rather chace knots in youi niggard brose cappie
Than growl tho' your rulers in luxuries swim.

Ilk part o' creation is ruled by another.
The small birds maun yield to the howlets and hawks ;
Then though you may think a great man your brither,
You dare not cry too at a deed that he acts.
Should grand Habeas Corpus be under suspension .
Be cautious and guard wi' the sirictest attention
For then should ye twa or three seditious words mention,
Ye'll get a dark dungeon or death for your cracks.