Page:Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar (1910 Kautzsch-Cowley edition).djvu/91

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(b) Massora finalis at the end of the several books, counting Samuel, Kings, Minor Prophets, Ezra-Nehemiah, Chronicles, each as one book. On all three varieties see especially Ginsburg, Introd., p. 423 ff., and the appendices containing (p. 983 ff.) the masoretic treatise from the St. Petersburg MS. of A.D. 1009, and (p. 1000 ff.) specimens of the Masora parva and magna on two chapters.

 [e In nearly all printed editions only the Masora finalis is found, indicating the number of verses, the middle point of the book, &c., and a scanty selection from the Masora parva. The following alphabetical list of technical expressions (some of them Aramaic) and abbreviations, may suffice with the help of the lexicon to elucidate the subject. Further details will be found in the appendix to Teile’s edition of the Hebrew O.T., p. 1222 ff.

אוֹת letter. אֶלָּא nisi, except. אֶמְצַע middle. אס״ף=אַתְנַח סוֹף פָּסוּק in the formula בְּלֹא אס״ף without ˒Athnaḥ or Soph-pasuq i.e. although no ˒Athnaḥ or Soph-pasuq is written.

בְּ with, before names of vowels or accents, as קָ֫מֶץ בְּזָקֵף Qameṣ with Zaqeph used instead of Pathaḥ (§ 29 i).–ב׳ as a numeral=two, as in ב׳ טְעָמִים two accents. במקצת, see מִקְצָת. בנ״א = בְּנוּסְחָא אַֽחֲרֵינָא (Aramaic) in another copy; pl. בְּנוּסְחָן אַֽחֲרֵינָן.בס״א=בִּסְפָרִים אֲחֵרִים in other books. בָּתַר (Aram.) after.

דָּגּוּשׁ fem. דְּגוּשָׁה marked with Dageš (or Mappiq). דַּף leaf, page.

זְעֵיר fem. זְעֵירָא (Aram.) small.

חוֹל profane, not sacred, e.g. אֲדֹנַי Gn 19 because not referring to God. חוּץ except. חָסֵר written defectively, also wanting as ח׳ א׳ ˒aleph is omitted.

טַ֫עַם accent (see ב); טָעַם in Hiphil to chant an accent.

יַתִּיר superfluous.

כַּאן here. כְּלָל (Aram.) total, as adv. in general.

ל׳=לֵית (Aram., from לָא אִית non est)=the form is not found elsewhere.

מְדוּיָּק accurately corrected. מָלֵא full i.e. written plene. מִלְּמַ֫טָּה below=מִלְּרַע (§ 15 c). מִלְמַ֫עְלָה=מִלְעֵיל (§ 15 c). מְנוּזָּרוֹת separated, the name of the strangely formed Nûns before ψ 107 ff. (§ 5 n). מִקְרָא that which is read, the name for all the O.T. scriptures. מִקְצָת part.

נָח fem. נָחָה quiescent, i.e. not sounded. נֶעְלָם concealed, i.e. only retained orthographically. נִקּוּד a point. נָקוּד pointed.

ס״א see בְּ. סִימָן σημεῖον, sign, esp. a mnemonic word or, frequently, sentence. סך׳ = סְכוּם total. ס״ף = סוֹף פָּסוּק (§ 15 f).

עַמּוּד column of a page.

פָּסוּק a masoretic verse. פִּסְקָא a space, esp. in the phrase פ׳ בְאֶמְצַע פָּסוּק a space within a verse, e.g. Gn 35; cf. H. Grätz, Monatschrift für Gesch. u. Wiss. des Judentums, 1878, p. 481 ff., and H. Strack, ibid. 1879, p. 26 ff.

ק׳=קְרֵי, see above, c. קודם properly קֳדָם before. קָמוּץ fem. קְמוּצָה pointed with Qameṣ. קוֹרֵא reader of the sacred text.

רַבְּתָא, רַבְּתָה, רַבָּתִי (Aram., all fem. sing.) large.

תֵּיבָה word (consisting of more than one letter). תְּלוּיָה suspensa (§ 5 n, 3). תְּרֵי (Aram.) two.