Page:Glenarvon (Volume 2).djvu/294

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thus, how will yourself despise me. When society, and those whose opinion you value, brand her name with infamy who leaves all for you, where shall we fly from dishonor? how will you bear up under my disgrace?" "I will bear you in my arms from the country that condemns you—in my heart, your name shall continue spotless as purity," he replied,—"sacred as truth. I will resist every opposition, and slay every one who shall dare to breathe one thought against you. For you I could renounce and despise the world; and I will teach you that love is in itself such ecstacy, that all we leave for it is nothing to it."

"How can I resist you?" she answered. "Allow me to hear and yet forget the lessons which you teach—let me look on you, yet doubt you—let me die for you, but not see you thus suffer." "Come with me now—even now," said Glenarvon fiercely,—"I must make you mine before we part: then I will trust you; but not