Page:Goddard papers - walcottjan51917.djvu/1

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January 5, 1917.

Dear Sir:

Referring to your letter of October 19, 1916, and to the manuscript and patent specifications accompanying the letter of December 4, 1916, which are returned separately, I have submitted your proposals and data to a committee consisting of Dr. C. G. Abbot of this Institution and Dr. E. Buckingham of the Bureau of Standards for report with recommendations. Both gentlemen having verified the soundness of your theoretical work, the accuracy of the numerical data, and being favorably impressed with the ingenuity of your mechanical and experimental dispositions, the clearness of your exposition, and recognizing the value of that which is proposed, they concur in recommending support on the part of the Institution.

I, therefore, have pleasure in approving a grant to you of $5,000.00 from the Hodgkins Fund, to be used for the purposes described in your letter of October 19, 1916. You will report yearly, or oftener if notable progress is made,