Page:Golden dreamer, or, Dreams realized (2).pdf/23

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denote constancy and affection in your sweetheart ; in trade they shew success, but much vexation from the disclosure of secrets.
Tempests. —--- To dream you are in a storm or a tempest, shews that you will, after many difficulties, arrive at being very happy, that you will become extremely rich, and marry exceeding wel1. For a lover to dream of being in a violent tempest, denotes that you will have many formidable rivals, who, after causing you a great deal of vexation and uneasiness, you will triumph over. It also forebodes you will receive good news from a long absent friend, who is abroad, and who will have overcome many hardships and extreme difficulties.
Thunder and Lightning. —--- To dream you hear distinctly thunder, and see lightning, is a very good omen ; it denotes success in trade ; good crops to the farmer ; and a speedy and happy marriage to the lover. If you are soliciting a place you will obtain it ; if you have a lawsuit, it will go in your favour ; it also indicates speedy news from a far distant country, intimating that a near relative has obtained a very lucrative situation, in which he will have an opportunity of doing his friends a great deal of good.
Trumpet. —--- To dream that you hear the sound of a trumpet is a bad omen, and denotes troubles and misfortunes: to the tradesman it presages the loss of business ; to the farmer bad crops : to the lover insincerity in the object of your affections.
Trees. —--- To dream you see trees in blossom, denotes a happy marriage with the present object of your affections, and many children, who will all do extremely well in life ; to the tradesman it denotes success in business ; and to the sailor pleasant