Page:Good Newes from New England.djvu/44

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we ſhould finde him liuing. Vpon this we were much reuiued, and ſet forward with all ſpeed, though it was late within night ere we got thither. About two of the clocke that afternoone the Dutchmen departed, ſo that in that reſpect our iourney was fruſtrate. When we came thither, we found the houſe ſo full of men, as we could ſcarce get in, though they vſed their beſt diligence to make way for vs. There were they in the middeſt of their charmes for him, making ſuch a helliſh noiſe, as it diſtempered vs that were well, and therefore vnlike to eaſe him that was ſicke. About him were vix or eight women, who chafed his armes, legs, and thighes, to keepe heat in him; when they had made an end of their charming, one told him that his friends the Engliſh were come to ſee him; (hauing vnderſtanding left, but his ſight was wholly gone) he asked who was come, they told him Winſnow (for they cannot pronounce the letter 1, but ordinarily n in the place thereof) hee deſired to ſpeake with me; when I came to him, and they told him of it, he put forth his hand to me, which I tooke; then he ſaid twice, though very inwardly, keen Winſnow, which is to ſay, Art thou Winslow? I answered ahhe, that is, yes; then hee doubled theſe words, Matta neen wonckanet namen Winſnow; that is to ſay, O Winſlow I ſhall neuer ſee thee againe. Then I called Hobbamock and deſired him to tell Maſſaſſowat, that the Gouernour hearing of his ſickneſſe was ſorry for the ſame, and though by reaſon of many buſineſſes he could not come himſelfe, yet he ſent me with ſuch things for him as he thought moſt likely to doe him good in this his extremitie, and whereof if he pleaſed to take, I would preſently giue him; which he deſired, and hauing a confection of many comfortable conſerues, &c. on the point of my knife, I gaue him ſome, which I could ſcarce get thorow his teeth; when it was diſſolued in his mouth, he ſwallowed the iuice of it, whereat thoſe that were about him much reioyced, ſaying, he had not ſwallowed any thing in two daies before. Then I deſired to ſee his mouth, which was exceedingly furred, and