Page:Graimear na Gaedhilge.djvu/201

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dearḃráṫair (dearḃ-ḃráṫair), a brother by blood dearḃ, real or true.
deirḃṡiúr, a sister by blood. bráṫair and siúr, brother and sister (in religion).
fíor-uisge, spring water: fíor, true, pure; uisge, water.
gairḃ-ṡíon, a tempest: garḃ, rough; and síon, weather.
girr-ḟiaḋ, a hare: gearr, short; and fiaḋ, a deer.
nuaḋ-ḋuine, an upstart: nuaḋ, new, fresh; and duine, a person.
sean-aṫair, a grandfather, sean, old; aṫair, a father.
máṫair, a mother;
aois, age.
reaċt, law; dliġe is a more common word for law.
sean-sean-aṫair (sé-sean-aṫair), a great grandfather.
sean-ṁáṫair, a grandmother.
sean-aois, old age.
sean-reaċt, the old law.
treun-ḟear, a brave man.
treun-laoċ, a hero.
saor-ṡealḃ, a freehold: sealḃ, possession.
trom-luiġe, a nightmare.
uasal-aṫair, a patriarch.
saoiḃ-ċiall, folly, silliness: saoḃ, silly; and ciall, sense
fóir-ḃriaṫar, an adverb: fóir, before; and briaṫar, a word.
fóir-imeall, a frontier, extremity; imeall, a border, a hem.
fóir-ḃreiṫ, a prejudice (a fore-judgment).
fóir-neart, violence.
fóir-éigean, oppression, compulsion.