Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/24

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2 fl. 60 kr.; with 7 feet, 2 fl. 80 kr.; with 8 feet, 3 fl.; for the warm mineral douche, 1 fl.; and for the rising douche for ladies, 1 fl. 50 kr.

Rules to be observed when bathing.

Before entering the bath the patient should ascertain, by the aid of the thermometer, that it is of the proper temperature; the bath should only be taken after a good rest. During the time of bathing it is advisable to use gentle friction of the limbs and abdomen, but it is unnecessary to submerge the head or moisten the hair with mineral water. After the bath the patient should be well wrapped up and repair at once to his apartments, where he should rest for at least half an hour in bed or on a couch. Regarding the time necessary for an ordinary cure, it is not worth while to visit Carlsbad for less than three weeks, while it is not advisable to extend the stay longer than eight weeks. The general average is four weeks.

5. Dietetics during the Use of the Waters.

An old deeply-rooted prejudice attributes to the mineral waters of Carlsbad an incompatibility with certain articles of food, and causes many to think, that their contact with the ingredients of the waters renders them poisonous to the patient. Butter, salad,