Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/39

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turning to the left into the Geweidiggasse, to the right into the Neue Wiese, and ending in the Marienbader Strasse; at the upper part of the Kirchenplatz, the Prager Strasse, to the left of it the Schulgasse; the Petersberg, the Panorama Strasse, and the Sonnengasse; to the right of it the Helenen Strasse, the Roehrgasse, the Jacobsberg, the Laurenzigasse, ending with the open space in front of the district citizen-school.

6. Public Buildings.

Buildings connected with the Springs.— The magnificent Sprudel hall, constructed of iron and glass, contains the Sprudel and the Hygeenspring, affording walking space for about 1000 people. A band plays here every morning. The Säulengang of the Mühlbrunn, the Marktbrunn-Halle, the coveredway near the Schlossbrunn; to these should be added the Mineralwasserversendungs-Gebäude (building for the exportation of the waters) in the Eger Strasse, the building for the preparation of the Sprudel salt near the mouth of the Tepl, the bathing establishments near the Sprudel, the comfortable bath rooms in the Mühlbadgasse, as well as the magnificent Curhaus, with its bath rooms, containing 16 rooms for mud-baths, three for fullsized baths, a Russian vapour bath, and two for douche baths. The splendid new Mudbath house
