Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/44

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the Gemse; further on at Mayer’s Gloriet, and at the Restaurant of the Hirschensprung. The left road, however, which we most recommend, winds agreeably to the ridge of the hill. Arrived here, we notice two roads on the right-hand side; one leads directly to the Kreuz (cross) of the Hirschensprung, the other at first to the Restaurant. On the top of the rock before the cross, we behold the gigantic bust of Peter the Great by Prof. Seidan, and below is a black marble slab. On the rock before the cross we find a black marble slab, containing the names of those Russian aristocrats who have visited Carlsbad; first of all, the name of Peter the Great, in memory of whom the little space before the slab has been called Petrshöhe. A little lower we perceive a small pyramid with an open space in front, called Theresienhöhe, in memory of the sorely-tried Theresia of Angoulême. Another road leads to the place where, in the front of the Hirschenstein, another black marble slab can be seen in honour of the Duke of Weimar. It is superfluous to describe the beautiful view, as no description would be useful to him who cannot appreciate it himself.

4. To Findlater’s Tempel and the Franz Fosef’s Height.—This promenade is commenced as No. 3. We walk along on the Neue Weg (New Road), which, contrary to its name, is the oldest walk on record,