Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/56

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Following a footpath beyond the neue Friedhof (New Cemetery), we meet the road leading to the Giesshübler Sauerbrunn, where, branching to the left, we descend to the Rothe Säuerling, and at last arrive at the valley of the Eger, close to the Eulen- or Hexenfels (Rock of the Owls or Witches), serving, according to a myth, for a meeting-place in the Walpurgisnight of the young and old witches of the neighbourhood, for the purpose of jointly ascending the Blocksberg on their brooms. We return by the road, passing the village of Drahowitz, and traversing a pretty little beechwood, where, ascending a footpath on the righthand side, we have a fine view from an open space called “Mein Lieblingsplätzchen” (My Favourite Seat). From here we descend on the other side to the Restaurant “Café Impérial”, where we partake of refreshments.

21. To Dallwitz.—The Eger Strasse leads to the little village of Drahowitz, where we cross the Eger in a little boat; turning to the right, we follow the bank of the river for about half an hour, till we come to a rivulet in a small valley, crossing which, we arrive in about ten minutes at the broadest of those beautiful Dallwitz oak trees, celebrated in a poem by Körner, and at last take some refreshments at the inn Zu den 3 Eichen. In the little castle of Dallwitz there is an ex-