Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/61

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see everything worthy of notice in one hour, and thence return by rail to Carlsbad.


1. The Authorities and Taxes levied on Visitors.

The Authorities with whom visitors come into contact are—the District Surveyor, in the official building on the Neue Wiese, and the Burgomaster, whose office is in the Town Hall; and it is this latter gentleman’s duty to impose the taxes for the use of the waters and the music. As both taxes are divided into three classes, any visitor objecting to his assessment can appeal against it within three days at the office of the Burgomaster, and, secondly, at the office of the K. K. Bezirkshauptmann (Imperial and Royal District Surveyor). The Burgomaster’s office has also the control over the record of the visitors, and, based upon it, issues the visitors’ list. For this purpose, as well as for assessing, each visitor is supplied with a form to fill up, and after a few days an official hands him the assessment-paper for payment. The Curtaxe (visitor’s tax) has to be paid by every visitor staying longer than eight days at Carlsbad. It amounts for wealthy people to 10 fl.; for well-to-do people, 6 fl.; for the less affluent,