Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/64

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visitors as well as landlords. In cases of disagreement, complaints should be made to the Burgomaster or the District Surveyor.

The prices for lodgings vary greatly, according to situation and size, but principally during the season, as rooms for which, in the height of it (from about 15th of May to the middle of July), 60 fl. a week are demanded, will probably at the end of the season be let for 15 fl.; consequently, it is difficult to give an exact statement as to the prices. Generally, however, it may be taken for granted, that single rooms may always be had at from 5 to 10 fl. per week; lodgings containing from two to four rooms at from 20 to 50 fl., and such as have from five to ten rooms at from 60 to 200 fl. per week. The larger Hôtels are as follows:—The Goldene Schild, Establishment Pupp, Hôtel de Russie, Hôtel Anger, Stadt Hannover, Paradies, Hôtel Erzherzog Karl, Hôtel Loib, Drei Fasanen, Morgenstern, Goldener Schwan, Hôtel Royal, Hôtel National, Hôtel Donau, &c.

5. Boarding.

People take their meals either à la a carte or at fixed prices; there are at least thirty places for this purpose, and the quality of the food is materially the same everywhere. The principal Re-