Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/66

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after 9 o’clock. The Theatre.—During the season, from the beginning of May till the end of September, there is a company playing, who will give satisfaction to those whose taste is not too refined. Dancing is indulged in generally on Saturday evenings in the Curhaus. Archery can be enjoyed at different places on the Promenade, and Shooting at a Target may be practised at the shooting place of the Carlsbad Shooting Company, i. e., in the Schützen Park, where good pistols and rifles, with all the necessary implements, will always be found in readiness.

7. The Inhabitants and their Industry.

The inhabitants of Carlsbad number, according to the latest census, 10,579 souls. The management of room-letting and providing for the visitors is confided almost exclusively to the women, and it must be owned that their assiduity and sympathetic readiness is beyond praise.—Of the formerly very important industry of the inhabitants there is now only the pin manufactory that needs comment (at the beginning of this century there were nearly 50 cabinetmakers, 30 cutlers, 25 pewterers, 24 gunsmiths, and 14 pinmakers). More recent industrial branches are represented by the working of the Sprudel stones, either for ornaments, or for other