Page:Guy Boothby--A Bid for Fortune.djvu/287

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last of my guests upon the doorstep. The carriage had not gone fifty yards down the street before a hansom drew up before my door and a man dressed in a heavy cloak jumped out. Bidding the driver wait for him, he ran up my steps.

"'Mr. Wetherell, I believe?' he said. I nodded and wished him "good evening," at the same time asking his business.

"'I will tell you with pleasure,' he answered, 'if you will permit me five minutes alone with you. It is most important, and as I leave Sydney early to-morrow morning, you will see that there is not much time to spare.'

"I led the way into the house and to my study, which was in the rear, overlooking the garden. Once there I bade him be seated, taking up my position at my desk. Then, in the light of the lamp, I became aware of the extraordinary personality of my visitor. He was of middle height, but beautifully made. His face was oval in shape, with a deadly white complexion. In contrast to this, however, his eyes and hair were dark as night. He looked at me very searchingly for a moment and then said:

"'My business will surprise you a little I expect, Mr. Wetherell. First and foremost let me tell you something about myself, and then ask you a question. You must understand that I am pretty well known as an Eastern traveller; from Port Said to the Kuriles there is hardly a place that I do not know. I have a hobby. I am a collector of Eastern curios. But there is one thing I have never been able to obtain!'

"'And that is?'

"'A Chinese executioner's symbol of office.'

"'But how can I help you?' I asked, completely mystified.