Page:Handbook for Boys.djvu/192

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From this corner lay off 7 ft. 8 in. along the edge and on the opposite side, lay off 5 ft. 9 in. beginning at the end of your 8-in. measurement. Now take a ruler and draw another diagonal across the canvas at the ends of these measurements and you have the first gore of your tent. Cut it across turn the gore over, lay it down on the strip so as to measure off

another one exactly like it. This is the corresponding gore for the other side of the tent. To make the second pair of gores, lay off 5 ft. 9 in. along one side of the remaining strip of canvas beginning at the pointed ends and 3 .ft. 10 in. on the other side. Join these points with a diagonal and you have a second gore, a duplicate of which is then cut by using it as a

pattern, reversing and laying it down on the strip of canvas. To make the third gore, lay off 3 ft. to in, on one edge of your strip beginning at the point, and 1 ft. 11 in. on the other side. Draw a diagonal across and you have the third gore.

You have now used up all but two yards of your Canvas, plus a little left-over piece of about two feet long. Out of this little left-over piece make a triangle 1 ft. 11 in. on the side, which will form the back triangle of your tent. Now pin your three gores together to make the side of your tent, just as in the illustrations, and pin the two sides together along the ridge. Then sew this tent up. Sew in the little back triangle and hem all around the edges. Leave a hole at, the peak of the little triangle through which the ridge pole must go.