Page:Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales (1888).djvu/449

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heaven in a swoon. She feared she was not fit for heaven, and that she had deceived herself, and she could only stammer faintly the word is “Mercy!”

And mercy and strength were given—mercy that was now certain, and not to be only hoped for.

The universe is God’s heaven, where His love shines forth with inexhaustible fulness,

“Holy, glorious, and beloved through all eternity will be the redeemed human soul,” was the song that resounded from the golden harps of heaven.

And God grant we may all, when our days on earth are ended, be as happy as this glorified spirit, even when it trembled before the crystal sea, and the glory and brightness of the Heavenly kingdom.

May we all through God’s love and mercy be enabled to enter on a new path in our earthly career—lighter, nobler, and purer; and feel, as death approaches, that we are always coming nearer to that glorious light, and with strength from God may at our last days wing our flight to that eternal home of brightness and peace.