Page:Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales (1888).djvu/503

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In a large garden grew a splendid apple-tree, which had been in such haste to bloom that it was covered with blossoms before the green leaves had unfolded themselves. The ducklings in the farm-yard were waddling with their mother to the pond, while the cat washed her silky fur with her paw in the sunshine.

A glance across the fields and meadows presented a pleasing sight, for even the corn was of a bright beautiful green as well as the hay, while the chirping and twittering of the little birds was as joyful as if they were keeping a great festival.

And, indeed, people could correctly speak of this day as a feast day, for it was Sunday, and the bells were chiming sweetly, while numbers of people, dressed in their Sunday clothes, were walking to the church in great comfort. The spring day was so bright and warm and dry, and everything looked so pleasant and cheerful that no wonder they said, “How good God is to grant us so many blessings!”