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Vallieré et al. v. United States.

of Rio Blanco, running south-west ten leagues in depth, on the north by lands of his Majesty, separated from these by a drawn line beginning at the Rio Norte Grande, commencing at a point distant ten leagues in a direct line from its mouth or confluence with the said Rio Blanco, running in a course nearly west until it meets the fountainhead or origin of the most western branch of the Rio Blanco, and on the south side by vacant lands of his Majesty, separated from these by a line drawn apart, beginning at a point where ends the south-west limit, ten leagues from the fountainhead or origin of the most western branch of the Rio Blanco, running on a parallel line with the said Rio Blanco, descending ten leagues in depth, until it meets Rio Cibolos, at the distance of ten leagues in a direct line from Rio Blanco. All of which is fully demonstrated in the figurative plan which precedes, in which is marked the dimensions, courses, limits, trees, and points, serving as artificial or natural boundaries.

"The line and limits have been made at the request of the grantee, and in compliance with the order from the governor-general, El Baron de Carondelet.

"18th June, 1793. I certify to all which precedes, in order that it may be verified.

"I delivered the present with the figurative plan 24th October, 1793.

"DON CARLOS TRUDEAU, Surveyor-general."

3. That in the regular record books kept in New Orleans by the Spanish authorities before 1803, but removed by them to Cuba, where the same, as it is said, now are, is recorded a grant of the foregoing land, in the Spanish language, of which the following is a translation:—

"Don Francisco Baron de Carondelet, &c. &c.

"For the benefit of the public, and for the greater encouragement of agriculture and industry of the country, I have judged it expedient to take steps for surveying and granting the royal lands in this province. Therefore, I grant to Don Joseph Vallieré, captain of the regiment stationed in Louisiana, a portion