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De Villemont et al. v. United States et al.

The governor-general granted the land on the express conditions "that a road and regular clearing be made in the peremptory space of one year; and this concession to be null, if, at the expiration of three years' time, the said land shall not be established, and during which time it cannot be alienated; under which conditions the plot and certificate of survey shall be made out and remitted to me, in order to provide the interested party with the corresponding title in form."

The concession was made June 17, 1795. No possession was taken of the land by De Villemont, nor any survey made or demanded, during the existence of the Spanish government. The petition alleges that possession was first taken in 1807, and as an excuse for the delay, it is stated that the grantee was commandant at the post of Arkansas up to the end of the year 1802, and confined by his official duties there; and second, that so hostile were the Indians in the neighborhood of the land that no settlement could be made on it. The proof shows that De Villemont first took possession in 1822 or 1823.

The second regulation of O'Reilly of 1770 required that roads should be made and kept in repair in ase of grants fronting on,the Mississippi River, and that grantees should be bound within the term of three years to clear the whole front of their lands, to the depth of two arpens; and in default of fulfilling these conditions, the land claimed should revert to the king's domain; nor should proprietors alienate until after three years' possession was held, and until the conditions were entirely fulfilled.

In this instance, the time was restricted to one year for making the improvements required by the regulations, and three years were allowed for making an establishment on the premises. In this case, where a front of six miles was granted, a clearing to the whole extent was of course not contemplated, yet to a reasonable extent it certainly was; but it was undoubtedly necessary that an establishment should be made. within three years; such being the requirement of the concession, in concurrence with the regulations.

The act of March 26, 1804, prohibited any subsequent entry on the land, and declared void all future acts done to the end