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Henry Blyd's Contract.

bonny lassie wi' a black fushicad on her head, an her face fou a black splatchets, an says Henry cushie, there's a groat tye an' kiss that lass at the wheel, as I was striving we tumelt down a tween the kist an the wa, an get nae scouth to win out for two hours, but an we had been as lang I soud gotten a kiss whether she wou'd or not, bat I never left her till I gart her cry, an if I had stayt there misdoutans I might ha' married her.

Now Mistris I'm your man an the ministers, and if ye dcsist frae pittin me awa, I winna bide, for I could live wi' you a' my days he speaks fae mony good wordsHe obstructit me the last day that I wou'd rise again: An I said cothie; Stir I'se believe as 'ither honest fouk do; An indeed stir, cothie the beuk of Poggavy just said as you said, an the o'erturn o't was ay three things, for it tell't, 'That tho' a man lay down in the gitter. an pray to God to take him out o' the gitter yet an he made nae moughts o' himsel he wou'd ly till he di't, and God wou'd raise him up for a' that. If I were good o' the remembry Mistris might ha' learnt a my quastens on it, О that beuk, for there was a thing an that beak, an the o'erturn o't was ay three things, there was Cats an Pipers in't, ships an' Swines an horn't beast, women and mony things, but I'm amint to learn yet, for tho' we was aulder the day than we was the morn, fouk are only detact it about my age, Just like Mr Francis Fushicam, that same day that the beadles wife an I lay upo' ither about clawin the cow. An ye kent mistriss that you lcnt me to the Officers wife to harrow her wheat in Divcr-lanc the afternoon. Sae as I was tellin you by comes his honour ridin on a Haak an a horse on's arm; an thinkin I was as auld as the officers wife, says Good day honest man can you set me upon a mankin herc about? The de'il a bit am I an honest man cothie, am bat the Ministers lad, an I'm but laubrin this honest woman's butt. Her good man's sae trackl'd wi' my Lord's wark, that we maun pit him alike wi' his neibors. Indeed Lord cothic, the gentlcs take a hankil uphadin ay ay stir, cothie but an gentle fouk were semple fouk an semple fouk wcre gentle fouk wou'd be like semple fouk. Wi' that up got a stock of Fushicads an he ged's was at the gallop.

I'll no contain you any longer Mistriss for I'm a mind to confer a wife gin the warl dinna men: for we get nae thing but what we buy, an de'il ha't we hae to buy wi' (illegible text) had anes an idle life, for I was a walicious man, an shot att the moon to learn us to had aff the whigs at Bodal brig we had nae wark than but to lay down our things on the grund an come back an fore get gin ony mist to tak his neiborsthing