Page:Heroes of the hour- Mahatma Gandhi, Tilak Maharaj, Sir Subramanya Iyer.djvu/186

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it must be done with the aim of helping his purpose and without any attachment to the coming result. This I hold is the lesson of Gita. Jnana Yoga there is. Yes. Bhakti Yoga there is. Yes. Who says not? But they are both subservient to the Karma Yoga preached in the Gita.

"The primary question of Arjuna is well-known and the essence of it may be stated thus: What was to be done in a case of conflict of duties, e.g. where one urged him to fight and the other not to fight. Krishna's answers always ended in asking him to stick to his duty as a Kshatriya. All philosophical ramifications of Krishna's advice always converged towards saying; Therefore do your hero's part. The word therefore occurring at the end of all his particular disquisitions indicated the point which he was proving and that point was Karma or Action and not Knowledge or Dhyana nor Sanyasa or Renunciation nor again Bhakti or Devotion. The real question at the root of the Gita is: Is it better to be content with knowledge and renounce the world or to participate in the action of the world. And Krishna definitely answers: Action with Knowledge is better