Page:Historic highways of America (Volume 13).djvu/167

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It is rather a difficult undertaking to give a brief yet succinct and accurate history of the old waterway since 1850. In a nutshell, the history of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal from its completion to 1889 may truthfully be said to be a history of the Democratic party in the state of Maryland during that period. It was used as a political machine and lever by that party at the expense of its physical and financial good. The officers of the company were appointed by the Board of Public Works of the state, some of whom were ex officio members of the board of directors. The members of the Board of Public Works were appointed by the governor of the state, and in that way the management of the canal was controlled by the party in power, which, during that period, was the Democratic party. There was much litigation in an effort by some of the holders of bonds to protect themselves, but it was always unsuccessful. Mr. Gorman, now Senator A. P. Gorman, was president for a number of years. It is an open secret throughout the state that it was on the placid waters of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal that the