Page:Historic highways of America (Volume 13).djvu/186

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difficulty of supplying water at the summit level. In the place of a tunnel, inclined planes were proposed by the commission.

Evidently anticipating this report, the Pennsylvania legislature passed an act for the construction of the Pennsylvania Canal at the expense of the state; and it was approved by Governor Shulze, February 25, 1826. It read:

An act to provide for the commencement of a canal, to be constructed at the expense of the state, and to be styled The Pennsylvania Canal.

Whereas, The construction of a canal within our own limits, for the purpose of connecting the eastern and western waters, is believed to be practicable, and within the means of the state, and its speedy completion will advance the prosperity, and elevate the character of Pennsylvania, and by facilitating intercourse, and promoting social interests, will strengthen the bands of the Union; And whereas, There are important sections of the work which may be immediately begun without the danger of error: