Page:Historic highways of America (Volume 16).djvu/161

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  • Spurgeon, James, 12, 22.
  • Squier and Davis, Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, 1, 91–92.
  • Stackpole's, 12, 49.
  • Stage Coach and Tavern Days, by Alice Morse Earle, cited, 2, 75, 76.
  • Stage coaches: sold to Wild West shows, 10, 126; postmaster-general offers premiums for, 126–127; description of, 126–128; cost of, 128; record runs of, 133–134; schedule of Ohio lines (1835), 134–138; Ohio laws for protection of passengers, 139–141; form of tickets used on Cumberland Road, 140–141; Dickens mentions, 12, 165–166; dissatisfaction marks advent of coaches, 11, 62; in England, 63–64; said to be injurious to breed of horses, 63; the converse, 10, 122; remarkable argument against, advanced in England, 11, 63–64; new age of road-building introduced by, 67; ride from Philadelphia to Baltimore (1796) in, 68; described (1796) by Francis Baily, 108–109; monopoly of, 12, 150; rivalries of drivers, 10, 133–134; exclamation to horses in America and England typical of the two nationalities, 12, 167; Dickens hires private coach, 180.
  • Stagg, Doctor, in Erie Canal celebration, 14, 139.
  • Standing Stone, villages by name of, 2, 29.