Page:Historical Works of Venerable Bede vol. 2.djvu/358

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The Sixth Age

Rome, where they are venerated in the monastery of St. Paul the Apostle of Aquæ Salviæ. In the sixteenth year of the reign of Heraclius, in the fifteenth indiction,Edwin King of Norhumbria baptized Edwin I., a most excellent king of a nation of the Angles in Britain to the north of the Humber[1], at the preaching of Bishop Paulinus, who was sent from Canterbury by the venerable Archbishop Justus, received the word of salvation with his people, in the eleventh year of his reign, and 180 years, more or less, after the coming of the Angles into Britain,Paulinus Abp. of York and rewarded Paulinus [2] with the episcopal see of York. This king, as he grew in the faith of the heavenly kingdom, so also did he increase in earthly power and dominion, insomuch that he reigned over the whole British realm, both over his own nation and the Britons likewise, which none of the Angles did before him. Pope Honorius, in an epistle, refuted the quartadeciman error respecting the observance of Easter, which had at that time sprung up among the Scots; moreover, John, who was elected to the pontificate after Severinus the succcssor of Honorius, wrote to them on the same subject,Pelagian heresy revived in Scotland. and on the Pelagian heresy which had begun to revive among them.

A.M. 4593 [642].

Heraclonas with his mother Martina reigned two years. Cyrus, Bishop of Alexandria, and Sergius and Pyrrhus, Patriarchs of Constantinople, revived the heresy of the Acephali, and taught that there was in Christ one operation and one will of the godhead and manhood. Pyrrhus afterwards, under Pope Theodore, came from Africa to Rome, and with a feigned repentance, as it afterwards appeared, presented that pontiff, in the presence of the clergy and all the people, Recantation of the Patriarch Pyrrhus.with a recantation which he had subscribed, condemnatory of every thing which either himself or his predecessors had said or done against the
  1. See Bede's Ecclesiastical History, B. II. Ch. XIII.
  2. Ibid. B, II. Ch.XIV.