Page:Historical account of Lisbon college.djvu/76

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cooled during the heats of the summer by the sea breeze which enters at the opening on the west, and the spot is so salubrious that its inhabitants generally arrive at an extreme old age. The lands of the College which consist almost entirely of vineyards lie round the house, extending from the summit of the northern hill, upon which it stands, to the road on the south which runs through the middle of the valley. From time to time as opportunities offered additions of land by purchase have been made to the original property.

Charming as is this spot from its natural beauty, the love of the sons of Lisbon for the Quinta must be sought

"Looking south from house"


in the happy days to which they can look back during the "fortnight at Pera," which annually in September, the Community spends there. The absolute freedom from restraint, which the seclusion of the district in which the Quinta is situated, makes possible, the relaxation of the strict College discipline, the delicious sensation of the "dolce far niente," succeeding to the severe mental strain of preparation for examinations; the soft yet pure and bracing atmosphere