Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/105

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COLUMBIA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES he located permanently in St. Louis. D r. E d ­ w ard H awkins also came to the town fo r a short time and then went to Michigan, after 1848. Drs. G e o r « H ill and Thom as Butler were residents o f Bloomsburg fo r a few years a fte r 1846, the former going to Muncy. D r. J . B . M cK elvcy came to B loom sbu ^ in 18 3 1. H e had previously located at MiminvilTc. in 1849, from there going to Graysville, K y ., and Arkadclphia, A rk. H e continued to reside in Bloom sbuig until his death. During 19 14, while some workmen were excavating in the alley beside h b house on Main street, mcy uncovered some human bones, which had prot^ ably been buried there after use in demonstra­ tion work. F o r a few hours all sorts o f rumors w ere current, until the true explanation was found. T h e Doctor had a wide circle of friends, and his death w as a matter o f regret to all. Mifflinville had few doctors at any_pcriod o f its history. One of the first w as Dr. F . C. H arrison, who located there in 1855. H e afterw ard s went to Lewisburg and D^ame a banker, a much more profitable occupation. A fte r his departure Dr. W ells, o f WilkesB arre, located there fo r a short time. In 1855 D r. William H . Bradley came to Bloomsburg to practice, but soon a fte r began to edit a weekly paper. In 1868 Dr. W illiam M. Rebcr arrived in Bloomsburg. H e had been a surgeon in the navy and w as a man o f much ability. In 1874 Dr. Benjam in F . G ardner came to Bloomsburg from Tennessee. H e had been a surgeon o f high rank in the Confederate serv­ ice, and his change o f location proved a wise one. H e found more opportunities and speedier payment fo r his services in the North than in the impoverished South. H e is still living, and is much respected by all the towns­ people. D r. Hugh M cReynolds, another of the older physicians, came to Bloomsburg from Buckhorn, where he had practiced fo r some years previous to 1872. C O U :m

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a u r N T Y M E D I C A L S O C IE T Y

T h is society had its origin in 1858. On Ju ly 3 1s t o f that year a number o f pliysicians o f Columbia and Montour counties formed an Ofganization fo r mutual protection and inter­ change o f experiences. Dr. John Ram say pre­ sided. In the following month it was decided to become auxiliary to the State society, and to in*itc the members of the profession in Northumberland county to unite with them.


'Hie name was changed to Susquehanna Union Medical Society in 1859, but in 1864 it was changed to Columbia and Montour Medical Society. Still later the name was restored to its first form. B y the act o f Ju n e >8, i8 8 t, all members of the profession were required to r a s t e r with the State authorities. A ll who had been in practice from 18 7 1 were permitted to continue, even if not graduates o f a medical school. Others must produce certificates o f graduation to continue in the profession. T he years following organization were in­ teresting ones for the members of the society. M any papers were read at the meetings and much done to elevate the standards of the pro­ fession. S o pleasant were the relations be­ tween the members from the two counties that no thought of separation w as held until Ju n e 16, 1874. Then the members from Montour county, having quietly nominated only Co­ lumbia county men fo r all the offices and suc­ ceeded in getting them elected, stated their intention o f organizing the Montour County Medical Society. T he separation took place without a particle o f friction, and the two societies still interchange ideas and visits. A t present the Columbia county society meets in rotation at Berw ick, Bloomsburg and Catawissa the second Thursday o f every month, except in Ju ly, when the meeting is held at Benton. A paper called "T h e R oster" is issued monthly, edited by Dr. Luther B . Kline, o f Catawissa. and contains reviews of the past work, programs of the future, and articles o f spw ial interest to the members. It has a circulation o f 12 5 copies. T he meetings arc well attended and are taken up with dis­ cussions o f matters o f value to the medical profession. T he society has forty-four active members and one honorary member. D r. John C. Rutter. T he officers and committees fo r 19 14 a rc : President. Dr. Joseph Cohen, B erw ick; first vice president. Dr. Benjamin F . Gardner, IMoomsburg; second vice president. D r. John M . Gcmmell. M illville; secretary and treasurer, Dr. Lxither B. Kline, C ataw issa; librarians— Dr. John W . Bruner and Dr. Jam es R . Mont­ gomery, Bloomsburg. Censors— Dr. J . Elm er Shuman, Bloom sburg; Dr. John H. Bowman. Bervick; Dr. Charles K . Albertson, Fairmount Springs. Committee on P ublic P olicy and /.effisution— D r. B . Fran k Sharpless, Cataw issa; D r. John W. Bruner, Bloom sburg; Dr. Q iarles T . Stcck, Berwick. Scientific P ro ­ gram—D r. J . Brooks Follm cr, Bcr%vick; Dr. William C . Hensyl, B e rw ick; D r. Edw in A. Glenn, Berwick.