Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/148

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COLUMBIA AND M ONTOUR COUNTIES The R ieh a rd M anufacturing Com pany is a plant o f great value to Bloom sburg, both in the employment o f skilled workmen and the money the products bring to the town, and also in the advertising value to this place from the fact that some of the greatest public works in Am erica bear the name o f this firm on their mechanical and structural parts. T he work o f this company m ay be found all over the Union am i in England and France. T he business includes the m anufacture o f almost anrthing in iron or brass, but the specialty is wire and tube draw ing m achinery. T h e com ­ pany has fitted out some of the largest plants in this cou n try with w ire-draw ing machines, making w hat is probably the simplest and most successful o f this class o f machinery. Besides producing am m unition lifts, torpcrlo anchors, obsera-ation tow ers and lighthouse lanterns fo r the governm ent, the R ichard Com pany huilt a cast-iron sectional lighthouse fo r the M iah Mauc sh oals in D elaw are bay, erecting the structure in Bloom sburg upon a concrete fou n­ dation and then dism ounting it and shipping it to the spot w here it finally w as located. A s a single o rd e r in 1907 o ver 100,000 pairs o f roller skates w ere put out fo r a custom er. One of the notable and historic orders filled by this firm w as f o r a m iter lock fo r the great gates of the P an am a canal locks, the first one used when the can al w as opened to the public. Bloom&burg's name is fixed fo r many years upon these gates. The firm w as organized in 1899 by F . J . Richard, S . I I . H arm an and I. L . Richardson. The present officers a r c : F, J . R ichard, presi­ dent and gen eral m an ager; J . L . Richardson, treasurer; C . F . A ltm illcr, secretary. T h e B loom sburg H o siery MtUs


B arg er is a resident o f Bloom sburg. J . P. B arger, his son, is the superintendent of the Bloom sburg plant. T h ere is a branch m ill at Nescopeck, Pennsylvania. T h e F r e d F e a r M atch Com pany is one of the m ore recent additions to the inrlustrics of the town, having been established in 1909. with a capital stock o f $500,000. T he plant consists o f a group o f brick buildings covering about fo u r acres. T h e F re d F e a r M atch Com pany is owned by F red F e a r o f F re d F e a r & Co., N ew Y o rk . T h e products made arc double tip and parlor matches, which are m anufactured under special processes owned by the com pany., Tl»c plant is specially fitted fo r this w ork and the best and most modern machinery used in the m anufacfurc o f m atches is installed. T h e company is also engaged in the manu­ facture o f salad dressing, fly paper and E aster c ^ dyes. It has plants also in B rad fo rd, P a., Chicago and N ew Y o rk . T h e officers a r e : F red F ear, president and treasu rer; C . C . Y e t ­ ler. vice president and secretary; .A. K . X altrctt, superintendent. T h e IV hile ^ fillin g Com pany w as established in 1885 by H . V . W hite and ably conducted by him up to 1900, when the W hite M illing Com pany w as incorporated with the fo llo w in g o flk e rs: President, H . V . W hite; treasurer. A . B . W h ite; secretary, M . Powell. T h e company m anufactures and deals in all kinds o f milling products, including spring and winter wheat flour, rye flour, buckwheat flour, com meal, feeds, chops, etc., m aking a spe­ cialty o f its celebrated "W h ite S eal” flour and other well known brands. T h e m ills have a capacity o f 12 5 barrels o f wheat flour, one hundred barrels o f buckwheat flour, twentyfive barrels o f rye flour and twenty-five tons o f f e ^ p er day, besides other products. T he pliant is a grou p o f m odernly constructed build­ ings. including the main mill, elevators, w are and store houses. Each department is sup­ plied with the best improved m illing m a­ chinery. T h e board o f directors is : Jo h n F.ves. a . II. H arter, E llis E v es, J . C. Brow n, O . W . Cherriiigion, A . C . C re.isy. T h e head m iller is P . C . Beyer.

Rargcr, B a in s & Munn, proprietors, w as estab­ lish ^ nine years ago, and is a branch of the plant owned and conducted by this firm in Philadelphia, where the com pany's specialty is ladies' hosier)'. In Bloom sburg the product nunufactured is exclusively infants’ hosiery, finished at the Philidelphia mills, and the goods are m arketed throughout the Unitc<l States. T h e local plant is situated in a mod­ emly constructed brick building, which is con'emently fitted and supplied with the latest and best makes o f knitting machines. T h e indi­ vidual m em bers of the company are C harles C. T h e B loom sburg R o lle r M ills Barger. E d w a rd Bains an<l W . F . Munn. T he two form er a r c active in the business, while w ere established in 1897 by R . R . Ikeler. T he Mr. Munn holds other large interests. M r. plant is built o f brick and is fitted with tm-