Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/164

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COLUMBIA A N D M ONTOUR COUNTIES [^ n yo n; ju n io r sagam ore, H . C le a v e r; chief of records, A . W . W alters; collector o f wam ­ pum, V. L . E a n ic s i; keeper o f wampum, J . B . Earhan. The Protected Hom e C ircle w as organized Aug. 27, 18 9 5. T h e present officers a r c : R . H. Sm oycr, presiden t; C . I I . K lin e, secretary; Fred H olm es, treasurer. Bloom sburg Lodge, N o. 436, of the Benev­ olent IT o ie c iiv e O rder o f E lk s, of the United States o f A m erica, w as granted a charter A p ril 14 ,18 9 8, a n d the follow ing have served (each one y e a r) a s exalted rulers o f this organiza­ tion; 1. A . Sn yder, W illiam K . W est, W. H . Hcnrie, C . E . R an dall, P . W . Gordon, Hon. john G . H arm an, C lyde C harles Y ettcr, Esq., Charles M . E v a n s, C . A . Sm all, E sq ., E d w ard Schenke, G e ra ld G ross, Anthony Mcnzcbach, William D . H olm es and D avid W . Pow ell. This organization accum ulated resources, and on the i8 th d ay o f M arch, 1909, purchased the H artn tan property on M arket Square, which w as remodeled. T h e home with the ium ishings today is valued at forty thousand dollars. It is a ihrec-story brick structure with a store an d basement. T h e second and third stories a re used fo r lodge and club purposes. The organization frequently gives the use o f its quarters fo r charitable and civic purposes. It has a m em bership o f 208 men, and its char­ ity fund at a ll times of the ye ar is distributed with such prom ptness and in such a manner that it h as received the commendation o f bloomsburg citizens. T h e present officers a r e : J c ^ h F la h e rty, exalted ru le r; D r. C . F, A ltmiUer, esteem ed leading k n ig h t; M yron £ . Sands, esteem ed loyal kn ight; J . H . Coleman, esteemed lecturing kn ight; J . F . W atson, secrctaty; F . D . D entler, tre asu rer; W . G . Lentz, esquire; D . W . Campbell, ch ap lain; R . N . Wolvcrton, inner g u a rd; M . W . Betz, tile r; J . E. Roys, o r ^ n is t . T ru stees, K . F . W irt, F . J . Richards, P ran k Ikeler. The lodge has been honored the appointmon of C lyde C harles Y e lte r, E sq ., one o f its members, to the office o f district deputy grand exalted ru ler, o f this D istrict, which comprised ninclecn lodges in the y e ars 19 12 - 13 . Bloomsburg N est. O rder o f O w ls, N o. 1 1 3 3 , was organized Ju n e 30, 19 13 . T h e officers a r c; Past president, Jerem iah G eese; president, A . E .T ilb u r g : se cre ta ry ,/. II. F a h rin g c r; treas­ urer. E . L . Buck. Bloomsburg Camp, N o. 9808, M odem Woodmen o f .America, w as organized M arch 30, 1905. T h e officers now a r c : Venerable consul, R ob ert Eunson; w orthy adviser, P . C. Bomboy; banker, J . L . T ow n sen d; clerk, W.


B . L in v ille; escort, J . B . C revelin g; sentry, Rhode H u f f : m anagers, W . P. Zchner, G . W. H ess, L . E . Smith. Bloom sburg Lodge, N o. 2557, K nights and L ad ies o f Ilo n o r, w as oiganized A p ril 22, 1904. T h e officers a r c : P ast protector, M iss G race C o o k; protector. M iss Lusctta A c h y; vice protector. M iss I.izzic W ilso n; recording secretary, F ran k H . E v a n s; fmancial secretary, J . H u rley W a lte rs: treasurer, L . E . S m ith; chaplain. M iss Bertha G ro ss; guide, W ildie D en t; guardian. M iss H arriet B a rb e r; sentinel, Sim on i ’o u st; trustees, J . H . W alters, F . II. E v an s, W ildie Dent. Bloom sburg Lodge of the Ju n io r O rder o f United .American .Mechanics organized N ov. 22, 1890. In 1905 there w as a split in the o r­ ganization and the local lodge went with the O rd er o f Independent A m ericans, becoming .American Union Council, N o. 537. T h e pres­ ent officers a r c : P ast councilor, J . H . C ra m e r; councilor. R ush C o o k; vice councilor, J . W . C ad o w; recording secretary, R . W. .A lexander; assistant recording secretary, A . L . S o b e rs; financial secretary, M . C . Jon es. Bloom sburg Cam p o f Woodmen of the W orld w as organized in December, IQH, by C h arles S . M yers, district deputy. T h e o f­ ficers a r c : Consul commander, K. H . B . Abb ctt; adviser lieutenant, Robert F . S h a ffe r; clerk, J o s w h H . D en n is; hanker, E . J . G caringer. T h ere arc fo u r other cam ps o f this order in the county, located respectively at Benton, Berw ick. Afiltville and Numidia. V a n Cam p Lodge. N o. 140, I. O . O . F ., w as chartered N ov. 17, 1845, with these o f­ fice rs: A nd rew D. Cool, noble g ran d : E p h ­ raim A rm strong, vice g ra n d; E d w ard K e ifc r, se cre ta ry; Henr)' W ebb, assistant secretary: G eorge W . Abbott, treasurer. G eorge Cath­ cart, the last surviving charter meml>cr, died in D anville in 1879. The present officers for 19 14 a r c : W . H . Joh n, noble g ra n d; George .A. Fornw ald, vice g ra n d; H urrcy E . W alter, recording secretary; C . W . I lippenstccl, finan­ cial se c re ta ry : Tlteodore K rcigh . tre a su re r: R . A . H icks, W illiam V ial, S . C . Beagle, trustees. Bloom sburg Council. N o. 1.16. O rder United A m erican M echanics, w as chartered J u ly 16, 1 8 ^ . with these m em bers: H . F . Bodine. T o ­ bias H enry. Harm an K lin e. H . J . E van s, M . S. Houscknccht, M . M . Sn yder, A . S . Crosslcy, Robert Roan, J . M . Thornton. Fred erick G il­ more. G eorge Nicholas, I. K . M iller, J . S . Jaco b y. E d w ard Searlcs, W illiam Tliom as, J o ­ seph Christm an, M . M. Johnson, J . S . E v an s, I. Ilagcnbuch, P . W clsn, J . Schultz. H en ry Shutt, W . M . Furm an, Jo h n Culp, George