Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/213

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COLUM BIA A N D MONTOUR COUNTIES E d w ard s. M rs. Davnd S in k, M rs. E . H arris, M iss Su san n a Klinctob, M iss M . Rcm alcy, M iss H annah Shinly, M iss M elinda Dennis, M iss H arriet Pollock. M iss E lean o r Klinetob, Jam es Lam on, W illiam .Adams, E van A dam s, M rs. H annah Lanion. M rs. J . M oyer, M rs. Solom on B o w er, M rs. .Andrew S c c ly, M rs. Anton Bow m an, Hudson Onin, Clinton T ro w ­ bridge, A . B . Shum an. .Alfred Longshin, lam es Solt. K obcrt E . R u ssel, M rs. Sam uel kelch n cr. M rs. Catherine Adam s, M rs. Sidney Pollock, M rs. Clement Jo n e s, M rs. K iziah Brundage, M iss M artha C. W alker, M r. and Mrs. W illiam Lln dslcy W alker, Christian Kunkle, M r. and M rs. W illiam Pollock. M r. and M rs. Sam u el D cprey, Nathaniel L . Cam p­ bell, A fr. and M rs. Jam e s Campbell, S r., M rs. Silas Ja c o b s. H annah Bonham s. M rs. D avid Hart, M rs. A lexan d er Ilcltczton, M rs. John Pollock, M rs. Elizabeth Freem an, M rs. Jan e Gilman, M rs. L yd cn R cd cr, M rs. Hannah Baird, M rs. H annah Klinetob. M rs. S arah Freas. M rs. L yd ia F rcas, M rs. Ephm ain Ev'ans, M r s . M ary Thomp.son, M rs. M assy Evans. M r s . Elizabeth N ihart. M iss Rebecca Adams, Ja c o b Cope. Fran ces E v an s, Jo h n M cAnall, Strah e n H . M iller, Leonard K trkendall and w iic, Sam uel J . Seely, Cornelius KJrkendall, M iss M ary K irkendall, M iss E liza­ beth G ro v e r, M iss Sarah Beck, S arah A . D e­ prey R o b cr, M rs. S la r y F . Pollock, Sam uel W llock, M rs. P au l K irken d all, M rs. Anna Charity E v a n s, M rs. M argaret A danw, M rs. Leah Bredbender, M iss Celinda D eprey, M iss Mary E . Patterson . M iss N an cy J . Cortright, Miss S a ra h L . Patterson, Jo h n Pollock. M rs. Dckonah D o ak, M rs. Ja c o b Cope, M rs. A n ­ drew S c c ly, M rs. M am ina W alton, Jac o b P o l­ lock. A lb e rt Klinetob. M rs. Sarah .Adams, Miss Elizabeth Seybcrt, M iss Susan Ranbach, John ^ h le p p y, M rs. Sarah Counos. On the follow in g Sabbath D aniel Bowen, Isaac H art and Thom as Lockart w ere installed as ruling elders. On J u ly 30. 1839, R e v . D avid J . W aller preached in ^ r w i c k and entered on the min­ utes o f this congregation that the church had for a long tim e been without a p asto r; "and though th eir num ber w as s m a l, they with preai liberality, reso lved : T h at they woul^ unite with B loom sbu ig and B riarcreek in the support o f a minister. M r. D. J . W aller, a li­ centiate o f N ew C astle Presbytery, w as invited to take charge of these congregations and w as Ordained by the Presbytery o f N orthum ber­ land and installed P astor of the church in Bloomsburg. with onc-half o f his time at his discretion." R e v . D. J . W aller scrs'cd the B e r­


wick Church in this w ay until relieved by Rev. A . H . H and in 1842. A t his own request R ev. A . H . H and took (his congregation into his extensive charge, entered upon his duties J u ly 17, 1842, and at once took steps to rcvu'c the ch u rch; also m inistering to B riarcreek and Salem churches. H e succccdc<l so well that in the follow ing year a completed brick church with basement w as <lcdicatcd hy the R ev. G eorge W . Yeom ans, President o f I^ fa y c ttc College. In 18 8 1 this building w as improved by the addition o f a tow er and w as remodeled. R ev. A . H . H and resigned on account o f ill health and A u g. i, 1845, R ev. A lexan d er H cberton became pastor. H e w as follow ed by R ev. Jam es F . Kennedy, who served from Ja n . 23. 1848. to .April 27. 1850. In turn he was follow ed by R e v . T . K . N ewton, who served from A u gu st 18, 18 5 3, to Sept. 2 9 ,18 5 5 . K ev. P . W . M ellick was pastor from October, 1863, to 18O5. T h e preaching appointments were at this time B erw ick, Briarcreek, Stone Church, M oore’s Schoolhousc and Lockport (now Beach H a v e n ). T h e next minutes w ere en­ tered on Oct. 2 4 ,18 6 8, by R ev. Jam es Dickson, who served until N ov. 2 ,18 7 9 . Follow ing pas­ tors w e re : Rev. L . M . K u m lcr, 1880-88; R ev. G co ig c H . Stephens, 1890-98; K ev. Joseph H unter. 18 9 9 -19 0 5; and R e v . E d w ard A . L o u x, 19 0 5-14 . A t different periods R e v . A . M . M organ, R e v . J . F . K ennedy, R ev. J o s » h M arr, R ev. E d w ard K ennedy, R ev. Jam e s M. Salm on and R e v . Jam e s R . Gibson h ave sus­ tained pastoral relations with this church. R ev. E d w ard Fran klin R eim er, A . M ., B . D ., a graduate o f L afaye tte College and Princeton Sem inary, who also spent a y e a r in post­ graduate study in Princeton U niversity and Princeton Sem inary, receiving then his divinity degree, w as in s t a ll^ pastor Oct. 3 1, 19 14 . H e is a native o f Easton, P a., and has had exten­ sive cxf)cricnce in evangelistic, m issionary and literary' work. T h e con gn gation has grow n greatly in mod­ em years, and at present num bers o ver 500 persons, with a Su nd ay school o f 3 5 0 attend­ ants. T h e cornerstone of the present hand­ some brick building w as laid in 1895. and the completed building w as dedicated the follow ing year, during the pastorate o f Rev. (ico rg c IL Stephens. It is an attractive edifice, o f modem design and fittings, and is exceedingly com­ modious and artistic. T h e church officials in 19 14 a r e : Elders— F ran cis E v a n s, W illiam F . I.o w ry, 0 . F . F e r ­ ris, H orace Brcccc, Jam es E . Sm ith. T rustees — T . H arvey Doan. Fred W . Bush. Thom as