Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/534

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COLUMBIA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES bilitics. In 1892 he became president of the company, resigning from that office in ifiyb. In the year last mimed Mr. Zehnder iKcamc president of the Dickson Manufacturing Company, o f Scranton, and during the five years he fille<l that position assisted in organ­ izing the Allis-Chalm ers Comjiany, who took over the machinery building interests of the Dickson corporation. In 1902 M r. Zehnder formed Ihc Allegheny O rr & Iron Company o f N'irginia. which acquired three blast fu r­ naces and valuable iron ore lands, and after­ wards. when this property w as sold, he trans­ ferred his interest to the bituminous coal and coke regions of West Virginia, where he be­ came president of the .Austen (W . 'a .) Coal & Coke Company. M r. Zehnder is at pres* ent vice president of the Scranton Bolt & Nut Company, o f Scranton, Pa., which he and his two brothers organized, and he is a di­ rector of the Equitable L ife Assurance So* cicty, Em pire Steel & Iron Company, o f Catasaqua. Empire T rust Company o f .New' Y ork and Union National Bank o f Pltiladclphia. H e is a member of the .American Institute of M ining Engineers, American Society o f Mech.'inical Engineers, Union League Clubs of New Y o rk and Philadelphia, as well as the la w y e rs ' G u b, New Y ork. W hile at Berwick M r. Zehnder was very active in the Y . M. C . .A. work, fo r a time acting as president of the local association, and he was managing trustee during the erec­ tion of the building there, afterw ards serving as one of the managers. G A R R IC K M .A I.L E R Y . ,11 one time vice president o f T he Jackson & Woodin M anufac­ turing Company, at Berwick, predecessors of the .American C ar and Foundry Comjiany, was liom in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa. C.arrick '. M allery. his father, a native o f Jefferson county. X . Y „ w as living in Cuml)crland county, P^.. at the time o f his death in 1864. H e was a nephew o f Ju d ge Garrick M allery, who lived fo r a time at WilkesB arre. and afterw ards was judge o f Berks county, and for many years a resident o f Philadelf^ia. Garrick M allery was reared and educated in Mechanicsburg. Coming to Berwick in lu ly. 1 8 ^ . he entered the store o f Jackson & Yoo<lin. as clerk, w hkh position he held until Ja n . 5, 1863. H e w as then promoted to book­ keeper of the firm, and retained that position until the o ^ n iz a tio n o f T h e Jackson & Woodin M anufacturing Company, in 1872, when he w as made treasurer. H e w as re­


tained in that capacity until December, 1882. when he was made vice president. In 1889 he left Berwick, and has since resided at Chestnut Hill, I’ hiladelphia. .Mr. Mallery niarricd in October, 1872, Helen A . H oyt, a native o f Columbia county, and they had four children, v iz .; Ernest, de­ ceased : Garrick. J r .; Helen Pauline, and L a w ­ rence R . M r. .Mallery and all the fam ily arc members of the Presbyterian Church. C H A R L E S E D W A R D H A U C K, associate judge o f Columbia county, and one of the foremost citizens o f this section o f Pennsyl­ vania, belongs to an old fam ily of the State. T he lirst o f whom we have record w as Jo n a­ than Hauck. his great-great-grandfather, who was bom in Berks county, I’a., and settled in Columbia county in the early days. B y occu­ pation he W a miller, and he also ran the ’as old forge at Mainville. H e died in Columbia county. Peter Hauck, son o f Jonathan, was bom at M ainville, and settled down to fanning in Beaver townsliip, Columbia county, where he died. H e is buried in the churchyard at Hare r’s Union Oturch in that township. The ollovving children were bom to him and his w ife Elizabeth (M ic h ael): George W ., nov* living ill Beaver township; Sallic, M rs. Bridebender; E liza,M rs. Hridcbcnder; Hattie, Mrs. F r e y; Nfary, M rs. B ason; and John. John Hauck, son o f Feler, w as bom in Beaver township. Columbia county, where he followed fanning. F o r about eight years he w as also in the employ of the rhila<(elphia & Reading Railw.ay Company as bridge car­ penter. H e died upon his farm in Beaver township Nov. i . 19 10 . aged seventy-five years. H e was a man well known and much respected in his community, having served his fellow citizens eleven years in the capacity of school director, as w-ell as in other public offices. Politically he was a Democrat, and in religious connection an active member of the Lutheran Church, which he served as deacon. H e married Emeline Singlcy, d a t ^ t e r of John Singley. o f Beaver township, and to them were bom children as follow s: Peter H.. who is now a resident o f Pottsville. P a .; Charles E d w ard; and Francis F., a fam ier o f Beaver township. O iarles Edw ard Hauck was bom Ju n e 25, 1870. in B eaver township, where he had the educational advantages afforded by the public schools. L ater he furthered his studies in the Bloomsburg Slate Normal School, and at the Scranton business college, graduating from
