Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/605

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COLUMBIA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES Conip;tiiy, ScalxMrcl National Bank, and Sligo & Eastern Railroad C om pany; and is a trustee o l the M utual L ife Insurance Comp.iny of N ew Y o rk . A man o f keen business ju dg­ ment and cultivated salesmanship of the high­ est order, his counsel and advice are consid­ ered invaluable. M r. lutton is a ineinber of the N ew Y o rk Cliam ber o f Commerce, the Pennsylvania So ­ ciety in New Y o rk, the Society o f Colonial W ars. Sons of the Revolution, Economic Club, Am erican G et^raphical Society, American So ­ ciety o f Political and Social Science, Academy o f Political Science, and the Peace Society of N ew Vork. In his political views M r. Eaton is a stanch Republican, and w as chosen a s a presidential elector fo r Pennsylvania on the M cK inlcy-U obart ticket, in M r. Eaton is a club man o f wide acquaint­ ance, having membership in the Metropolitan Club, Union Club. Union League, Engineers’ Club, New Y o rk Athletic Association, Auto­ mobile Club o f Am erica, India House. Club. C ity I,unch Club, C ity M idday O u b — all o f New Y o r k; the Union L c a m c Club o f Philadelphia, and the Racquet Club, St. Louis, t lis favorite recreations arc golfing and fishing, and he is identified with many of the leading country clubs in the E ast, includ­ ing the A rdslcy G u b, Beavcrkill Stream Club. D eal G o lf and Country G u b (president and d irecto r), Oakland G o lf Club. Rumson Coun­ try Club and Sleepy Hollow Countiy G u b. M r. Eaton married C. E lia b c th Furm an at B lo o m sb u ^ . in i8 8 i. and they have one daugh­ ter. M rs. ( ^ r c n c c G . Crispin, residing at B er­ w ick. T h eir city residence is AKvyn Court, at N o. 1R2 W est Fifty-eight street. New Y o rk , and country place at .Mlenhurst, N ew Jersey. H O N . A N D R E W L U C I U S F R I T Z, late o f Bloomsburg. w as bom Aug. 30, 1850. on the old homestead in Su garloaf township. Columbia county. “ F rit* H ill” is known all over Columbia county. T be first settler on tbis historic spot w as Philip F rit*, who lived on G iestnut street, niiladelphia, and came from that city to this county in 17 9 5 : he settled on the cast branch o f Fishing creek, near where Thom as Frit* now lives, in the vicinity o f Central, .md in •707 fic removed to the old homestead at pres­ ent occupied by Jcssc hril*. T h is land was his w ife’s heirloom. She w as Charlotte Deborgue. also a native o f Philadelphia. Henry Del)orgue and his w ife Elizabeth had six chil­ d re n : M ary. Charlotte. H enry. Catherine. Esther and Jacob. T h e tract o f land con•I


lained four hundred .acres and w as divided among the six children, and Philip, o f course, controlled Ihc property left to his w ife. On this farm they reared their children, in the woods, aayay from everything but “ real na­ ture,” living in o b sc u ri^ and without any advantages u f schools. T h e children born to them w ere: Henry H .. G iarles, Philip. Sam uel, George, John. Ezckic), Nancy, Betsy and M aria, ait o f whom grew to maturity, and each had a large fam ily. Philip F rit* w as the first school teacher and justice of the peace in the northern part of the country, w as a great scholar for his day. and had more than or­ dinary influence in his locality. H cn iy H . Frit*, son o f Philip, w as born Tune 28, 1786, and in 18 14 was married to M argaret Roberts, who w as bom Oct. 18. 171)4. Both lived to a good old age at the Fritz settlement in what is now Su garloaf township. T h ey were the parents of the fo l­ lowing named children: John, bom Ju ly 27, 1 8 1 5 : Charlotta. N ov. 13, i 8 i 6; G eoige, M ay 1, 1 8 1 8 : Jacob H ., Ja n . 30. 18 2 0 : Jo siah . Feb. 2. 18 2 2; W illiam. .Aug. 30, 18 2 3; Je s s e, Ju n e 8, 18 2 5; M artha. Ju n e 20. 18 2 7 : Sarah . M ay 2 t, 18 2 9; M ary A ., M.ay 2. 1 8 3 1 : Elizabeth, Ja n . 24. 18 3 3 : M argaret. M ay 8 .1 8 3 5 : Rachel, A pril 15 . 1839. A ll of these m arried except Sarah. F ritz, son o f H enry H .. w as born Ju n e 8, 18 2 5. and he became a farm er, living on the old homestead, commonly known as “ Fritz H ill,” which w as his home from the time he w as a boy. H e owned efehty acres o f land. In 1880 M r. F rit* w as chosen justice o f Ihe peace, and served the township ten years in that capacity. In politics he w as a Democrat. H e w as m arried Ja n . 8. 1848. to Sarah Dills, daughter o f George Dills, o f Su garloaf township, Columbia cotmty, whose w ife w as Sophia Hess, and the following named children w ere bom to them : Jo h n W ., N ov. 8. 1848 (now in Jackson township, this c o u n ty ): A ndrew L ., A u g. 30, 18 5 0; A lv aretta. N ov. 25, 18 53 (died N ov. 3, 1 8 5 7 ); Drusilla, N ov. 2, 1856 (w ife o f laspcr Lew is, o f Cole’s c r e e k ) : R,achel E .. Feb. 5. 1859 (w ife o f W illiam Sutliff, o f L u *em e county, P a .^ : and Sheridan S.. .Aug. 0. 1865. M rs. F rit* died M arch c. tR S i.a n d M r. Frit* m ar­ ried Ju n e 29. 1883. M rs. Rosanna (H e ss) Girton. Andrew I,. F rit* worked on the farm in Ihe summer and went to school in the winter fo r a number o f years, .md liegan teaching school at the age o f sixteen years in his native township, follow ing that profession fo r a period o f six