Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/725

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mentioned in 1833, and continued his connec­ tion until the linn was dissolved in F'Ux. Another son o f Charles Macdonald was John L ., who was born at Gaiianoque. lie was educated in the common schools of that place and became one o f its active business men and most esteemed citizens. He w as en­ gaged as a general merchant and miller, man­ ufactured nails, and plowshares and other farming implements, and owned a large tract o f land at Gananoque. With his brother, W il­ liam Stone Macdonald, he owned large tracts o f oil land, and he prospected for oil in (he Gas|K; peninsula. He is buried at Gananoque. T o John I.„ Macdonald and his w ife Agnes Maud Auchinvolc were bom four children: David Stone married M ay D 'O lcar; Charles WiUiam married O live D ray: M ary married Robert Montgomery'; John died without issue. Charles William Macdonald, bom in 1840, in Gananoque, Canada, w as educated in the public schools o f his riative place and Brockville, Ontario. H e learned mechanical en­ gineering. and in time became a resident of the United Stales, becoming interested in nail fac­ tories at Pittsburgh, P a., and Wheeling, W.

’a. H e w as also engaged in railroad con­

struction work. H e married Olive D ray, o f Niles, Ohio, and their three children a r c : Jo h n 1.., married to Isabelle Sophia Jo n e s; Rlsic, w ife o f Frederick L . B ack u s; and Agnes Maud, M rs. M arcus M . Drake. M r. M ac­ donald is deceased. A fte r being graduated from the common schools of his native city, in 18 8 1, John L. Macdonald began working for (he Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, but that same year continued his studies at Wheeling, W . V a. T he foUowing spring he accompanied his father, who was a railroad contractor, to Can.ada, and they worked on a railroad be­ tween I’ort .Arthur and other points both east and west, along Lake Superior, the father holding contracts for some of the work. In 1886 John L . Macdonald returned to the United States and w as engaged in construc­ tion work on the Eastern railroad of Minne­ sota. with headquarters at Duluth. T he fol­ lowing year he located at Buffalo, N . Y ., be­ ing in the employ of the New Y o rk Central Railroad Company as clerk in the superin­ tendent's office, but relum ed in 1888 to Minne­ sota to become first brakeman and later con­ ductor iKtween Superior, St. Cloud and M in­ neapolis. In 1890 M r. Macdonald w as em­ ployed in the car accountant's office at St. Louis. Mo., and in 1891 was (ran.sferrce until Feb. 12 . 19 0 1, when he w as sent to Berwick as agent for the road, and repre­ sentative of the United States Exp ress Com ­ pany, which he continues to represent; he now gives all his time to the duties of express agent. Mr. Macdonald married Isabelle Sophia Jones, a daughter o f John and M ary E . ( W alkenshaw) Jones, from Bryngw yn, W ales, England. M r. and M rs. Macdonald have two children: John L ., born Oct. t, 1905, and M ary EUza, bom Ju n e 12. 1907. l i e is a Progressive Republican and v c iy actively in­ terested in Ihe proper growth o f his party. .An Episcopalian, he Is a vestryman o f his church, and belongs to Parish Lodge, N o. 292, F . & A . M ., o f B u ffalo; Caldwell Consistory, o f Bloom sburg; and Irem Temple, .A. A . 0 . N . .Mystic Shnnc, at W ilkes-Barre. H e is also a member of the Royal Arcanum. The Stone fam ily. Mr. M acdonald's an ­ cestors through his great-grandmother, trace back to William Stone, the founder o f an old and prominent fam ily o f Connecticut and other parts of New England. H e w as one o f a number o f emigrants who sailed from London, England. M ay 20, 1639, landing in N ew Haven, Conn., about Ju ly 1st o f that year. H is brother John Stone also came, and they were probably sons o f Rev. Samuel Stone, o f H ertford, England. T hey were from the town o f G uilford. England, and fo u n d ^ the town o f G uilford, Conn.. settling there the year of their arrival in .America. Stephen Stone, a descendant o f William, removed with his family to Litchfield. Conn., A pril 23. 17 5 1, at which time Jo el w as in his eleventh year, having been bom Aug. 7. 1740. at Guilford. H ere he remainctl with his father until he became o f age. and then with his father's consent engaged in mercantile pur­ suits in company with Jabez Bacon, a descend­ ant o f one of the original emigrants. Tlicy were quite successful, accumulating a con-