Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/737

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acres, partly cleared and part in timber, and he followed general farming practically al) his days. In religion he a member of the Methodist Church. M r. Kline was married to M aria Mcllenr)*. whose death occurred in September, 1853. She was the mother of the following children: E liu b cth married Uriah

’an H o rn; M ary married Samuel M cH enry;

Cordelia married Jerem iah Stile s; Sarah .Ann married Jacob Ile s s; T honus entered the Union service in the Civil war. in 18 6 1, was mortally wounded at Feiershurg, and died Ju ly 4. 1864, at David’s Island. N . Y . : Cath­ erine died young; John L . C. is mentioned below; Alm ira Eveline married F . M. L u tz; R. William Everett married a B elles; Harriet Ida married a S itle r; I ^ l a . Elnora married W'illiam Jacoby. J o n s L. C. K u n e was born at Stillwater, Columbia county, Nov. 13, 1844. -‘ t'd grew up ' there, receiving a common school e<lucation. In his youth he had a thorough training to the trade of blacksmith, which he followed at Ben­ ton from the close of the Civil war. In 18C4 he enlisted, entering Company E, tooth Penn­ sylvania V’oluntcers, unocr Capt. Daniel P. Buck and Col. N ornun J . M axwell. H e took part in the actions at Petersburg and Fort Stedman. was one of the first over the breast­ works at Petersburg, and was also on the South Side Road. A fte r muster out at H ar­ risburg he resumed blacksmithing at Benton. B y his nu rriage to Elm ira Stiles M r. Kline has had three children: Cora, w ife o f Andrew J . M cH enry: Jennie, w ife o f Riter Ilcd dcn; and Elizabeih G.. Mrs. Percy Brewington, o f Benton. M r. Kline is a member of the P . O. S . o f .A. and of the Christian Church. M rs. Elm ira (Stiles) Kline is descended from Jerem iah Stiles, a native o f New Jersey, who settled in Pennsylvania. He followed farm ing all his life. John Stiles, son o f Jerem iah, born about 1795, died in 1855 in Columbia county, at his home .about two miles from Benton. Besides farming, which he followed all his life, he kept hotel at Rohrsburg. His w ife. Martha (M cH en ry), w as a d ai^htcr o f Daniel and Mar)' (Stevens) M cHenry. They had a fam ily o f eight children: M ary married Elijah K lin e; Josiah is mentioned to lo w; Susanna married Peter Applem an; M artha married Robert C olley; Sarah married E lijah .Albert­ son: Nancy married Russell Stohcr; Rich.ard married Amanda Cunningham; Hannah m ar­ ried Hiram Everett. Josiah Stiles, bom in 18 15, died in 1864, about two miles from Renton. Columbia

county. A fte r obtaining a common school ed­ ucation he engaged in ^ ricu ltu ra) pursuits, clearing land and following general fam iing. H e w as a mcmtor of the O iristian Church. H e w as nurried to Beulah .Albertson, daugh­ ter o f John and Jan e (K itchen) Albertson, who were from New Jersey, and to them were bom a large fam ily: Richard married Alice Follm cr; Boyd married A rvilla K cp p lcr; John n urried E lla Follm cr; Hiram married .Anna K cpplcr; Elizabeth married George C ole; Martha married Thom as T rom p; Emma m ar­ ried Gcorec K lechncr; Elm ira married John L . C Kline. E U G E N E D. T E W K S B U R Y, merchant and ex-burgess o f Catawissa borough, Colum ­ bia county, w as torn in StUMuehanna county. Pa., Ju n e 6, 18 6 1, son o f Hon. Edw ard M. Tew ksbury, mcmtor of the Legislature from Columbia county from 1891 to 1894. T he Tewksbur)' family is o f pure English descent, dating back to earliest times. .An an­ cestor of the race was John Tew ksbury, a merchant o f London, who became noted a s a Biblical student, possessing a manuscript copy of the Scriptures, which he frequently e x ­ pounded in the meetinghouses of the time. One o f his descendants w as Rcuton T ew k s­ bury, grandfather o f Eugene D . Tcwksbur)-, who came from his birthplace in Verm ont to Susquehanna county, P a., in 1803, and died on his farm there in 18 6 1. Edw ard M . Tewksbury, father o f Eugene D., w as bom in Brooklyn, Susquelianna Co.. Pa., Sept. 10. 1837, son o f Reuben and M ary (C on f) Tcwksbur)', the latter a native of Rhode Island. He w as a farm er and .school teacher, coming in 1869 to Catawissa township, where he bought the farm of 160 acres u]ion which the latter part of his life w as spent. H e was a temperance advocate and a pioneer in advancing the no-fcncc law, his fences toing the first to be removed in the township. His death occurred Jan. 12, 19 0 1. at the age of sixty-three. H is w ife passed aw ay in 1902. Ikith are laid at rest in the M clntire ceme­ tery. in this township. T hey had two chil­ dren : Martha D.. w ife of Rev. John S . Souser. fKistor of the Methodist Church at Hunting­ don. Pa., and Eugene D. Eugene D. Tcwksbur)' c.amc 10 this county with his parents at the age o f seven, and en­ tered the public schools, working during vaca­ tions upon the home farm, which he left in

  • 903 to engage in the mercantile business in

Catawissa. Until 1 9 ^ he carried on business as a dealer in fanning implements and fer-