Page:Historical records of Port Phillip.djvu/54

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Sullivan Bay, 27th November 1803.

General Orders.

Parole — Courtnay. C. Sign — Exeter.

A general muster of all the convicts will be taken on Tuesday morning, the 29th inst., previous to the provisions being served; and as some regulation of the several messes will take place, those who neglect attending at that time will not receive any provisions. The permission given to the sawyers to work in their own time for individuals is withdrawn. As the reeds which are to be found in the vicinity of the settlement may be wanted for public purposes the Lieutenant Governor forbids their being taken by anyone whatsoever, until the use for which they are wanted shall have been submitted to him. Several pieces having of late been frequently discharged very near the camp, all firing of musquets or other arms (military duties excepted) is prohibited within one mile round the encampment.

Garrison Orders.

A review of arms and necessaries to-morrow at troop-beating. Detail for duty.


Sullivan Bay, 28th November 1803.

General Orders.

Parole — Carlisle. C. Sign — Vernon.

Garrison Orders.

A Garrison Court-martial will assemble to-morrow at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the trial of such prisoners as may be brought before it.

1st Lieutenant Sladden, President.
1st Lieutenant Johnson
2nd Lieutenant Lord    

The prisoners to be acquainted and evidences warned to attend. Detail for duty.


Sullivan Bay, 29th November 1803.

General Orders.

Parole — Sutton. C. Sign —

The Commissary will issue at ten o'clock to-morrow in the forenoon, one wooden bowl, platter, and spoon to each of the military and their wives, and to each free woman belonging to the prisoners.

Garrison Orders.

The quartermaster will furnish the Commanding Officer, with the names of such men of the detachment who have received slops since their landing, with an account of the articles which may have been issued to each.