Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/359

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Bk. IV. Ch. TV. AMPHITHEATRES. 327 should feel inclined to suspect that it was a subsequent addition, and meant wholly for the purpose of supporting and working the great velarium or awning that covered the arena during the representation, which may not have been attempted when the amphitheatre was first erected. 210. Elevatiou and Section of part of the Flavian Amphitheatre at Rome. Scale 50 ft. to 1 in.


211. Quarter-plan of the Seats, anil quarter-plan of the Basement of the Flavian Amphi- theatre. No scale. Be this as it may, it certainly now very much mars the effect of the building. The lower stories are of bad design, but tliis is worse. But notwithstanding these defects, there is no building of Rume where the principle of reduplication of parts, of which the Gothic architects