Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 2.djvu/122

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Religious Architecture. 93 the altars of their Aphrodite ; the faithful mounted to her temples carrying a dove in their hands, as an earnest of the worship which was paid her, a symbol of her creative power." Doves nested in her houses and peopled the precincts. Accordingly, there is Flo. 291.— Lead idol. Actual size. Height, o m., 65. a strong presumption that both figurine and small temple are objects imported by the Semite, or home-made copies of the same. If our leanings are for the last hypothesis, it is because in the entablature surmounting the central opening — above a massive architrave composed of four or five beams — below a frieze-like salient cornice — is seen a portion of the ornament which » History 0/ Art.