Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 2.djvu/155

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Primitive Greece : Mycenian Art. is rectangular on plan, and sloped on its four faces ; it terminates at the top in a stout beam, the Homeric ^eo-oSj^i), with wide projection at either end.^ These peculiarities are even more marked in a Phrygian cottage which we know of old.^ There, I-'i.;. 296— Terrii-colla ossuary. Tolal heighl, o m., 74; length, o m., 96. however, imitation is not carried into every detail, as in those funerary urns of terra-cotta that have come from the necropoles of Mount Albano, in Italy, and certain Etruscan cemeteries. In these, as in a very similar specimen from a neighbouring tomb, the shape we are considering is curiously reproduced ' Odyssty. i Hisfory of Art.