Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 2.djvu/223

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i8o Primitive Greece: Mvcenian Art. have originated in the islands, both on account of the quality of the marble of which the single pieces are made, and because they are found in greater profusion there than anywhere else. They are all, or nearly all, shaped alike ; and portray a woman shown full face, with arms crossed on the bust below the breasts, and strongly-developed hips (Fig. 327). Now and again a slit marks the vulva. There is decided progress ; but the workman- ship is still heavy and untutored. The main lines are all there, and we get some inkling in regard to the ruling idea which the modeller meant to express, by carrying back our thoughts to a deity once very popular throughout Asia Minor, namely the goddess who personifies the perpetual fecundity of nature. This is symbolized by the gesture she makes in pointing to her breasts, from which, under the pressure of her fingers, gushes forth the exhaustless fountain of nourishing milk.^ The type must have ' Sec ante, p. 2, note 2.