Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 2.djvu/326

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Animal Representation. 275 in solid gold, and shown couchant on a golden plinth {Fig. 395).' The pose and the proportions of body and limb are true to nature, and admirably expressed. We may fairly place it immediately i. 392.— Gold ox-htad. after the most living images which Oriental art has produced of this type, Unless we assume — and we have no authority for so doing — that the type was imported from without, we must accept the Fic. 393.— Bus -relief. Heieht, o m., 41 ; lei^h, o in., 72. fact, despite all that has been said to the contrary, that the lion still haunted the mountains of Peloponnesus and Central Greece at that early date, and that sculptors and engravers portrayed the animal from nature. Everybody readily acknowledges that the ' ScHLlEMANN, Mycetia. VOL. U. T