Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 2.djvu/418

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POTTERV. 365 alongside of it. Here the painted vase may be said to have been brought into being. In the hands of the painters and ceramists of Chalcis, Corinth, and above all Athens, it will become a work of art of the highest order. Fig. 446. — Jug. Actual size. Although the clay is still impure, the proportion of vases made on the wheel is far greater than at Troy ; they are recognizable from the circles which the potter made with the finger or a stick whilst the paste was still moist, as he turned the spindle and Fill. 447.— trauinenl of vase. shaped the clay with his right hand, seated on a low stool. He has become so skilful in handling the clayey mass as to be able to turn out huge vessels with ease. We have a proof of this in a fragment which at first was taken for a twisted column ; but in