Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 2.djvu/500

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Metal. 443 They were pendants, worn on the girdle or on the breast, where they were fastened on to a band of leather, or some other perishable material, by a thread or wire passed through a species Frn. S31. — Gold disc, Acttml size. Fin. S3Z. — Gold plale. Actual siie. Mycenae of tube formed by the edge of the plate, which was folded back at the broader end. Pendants similar to these may be seen on Fig- S33-— Gold disc. Aclual 5i?,e. Fic;. S34-— Gold disc Actual size. a small statuette from Tiryns (Fig. 341).' Again, these plates are pierced in the middle of each of their long sides ; the thin ' The explanation is due to Schuchardt.