Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 2.djvu/548

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INDEX. A. Abacus, the, ii. 167. Achgean, i. 69. Achgeans, mentioned in Egyptian texts, i. 57 ; ii. 480; how represented by tradition, i. 67-69. Acropolis at Athens, its circuit-wall and palace, i. 409, 411. Actinia f the, ii. 394. Adier, his Preface to Schliemann's Tiryns^ i. 494;/. ; his adverse opinion on the possibility of restoring Tomb I., ii. 58 ; his description of the Lions Gate, ii. 23//., 246, Adoration, scenes of, on intaglios, ii. 293, 294 ; on a fresco, ii. 348. /Egean, synonymous with Mycenian, ii. 468. -'Eolians, notion gained from tradition relating to, i. 70, 7 1; Asiatic colonies, i. 102. ulLschylus, never saw Mycenje, i. 369, 370- Agora, graves in the, ii. 26, 27. AcOovo'a, i. 280; ii. 127. Alabaster, flags of, i. 342, 457 ; columns, 457; frieze, at Tiryns, i. 523, 524; its real situation, ii. 137-139 ; what we gather from it, ii. 149 ; band at Mycenae, ii. 67 ; vases, ii. 422. Alcinous, palace of, i. 536. Alonistra, i. 120. Alphabet, Asiatic, i. 205-207. Altar, ii. 98, 247, 248, 348. Amber, i. 538. Amethyst, ii. 306. Amorgos, necropoles of, i. 450 ; ii. 371. Amyclse, i. 395. Anactae, in Thessaly, i. 94. Anta, at Troy, i. 199 ; composed of several timbers, i, 476, 477, 505, 506 ; the form it preserves in classic architecture explained, i. 476. Antelope, on stelae, on wood, ii. 280; on gems, ii. 303, 309 ; genii with, heads, ii. 315- Aphrodite, allusion to the worship of, ii. 264. Apollo, worship of, among the Dorians, i. 96. Aqueduct, subterranean, at Mycenae, i. 302-307. Arcatures, on a Mycenae vase, ii. 433, 435- ArgOy ship, i. 88. Argolis, imiwrtance of, in the primitive l^eriod, i. 83, 85 ; ii. 465. Argonaut, the, in decoration, i. 531 ; on vases, ii. 386 ; on gold orna- ments, ii. 446. Argos, primitive meaning of the word, i. 69. 'ApyvpoiyXoc, ii. 226. Aristotle, on the advantageous position of Crete, i. 432//. Arrow-heads, stone, i. 120. Artemis, at Ephesus, i. 103. Asinae, i. 389. Ass, genii with, heads, ii. 315, 342. Astarte, or Ashtoreth, i. 75. Athenaeus, mentions the domed-tombs^ i. 349//. Athens, plain of, i. 47. Atthidi^ i. 66. Awls, ii. 419. Axe, of polished stone, i, 123, 124; bronze, ii. 45 1 ; holed and crescent- shaped, ii. 454.