Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 2.djvu/77

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54 Primitive Grkeci: : Mycenian Art. sealing- holes, in some of which are stitl ancient bronze nails, were distributed on the inner surface of the dome. For obvious reasons, the holes in question had only been noticed on the courses near the ground.' Dr. Dorpfeld ascertained that they extended much higher than had been thought at first, that they mounted in fact right up to the summit of the dome ; Fio. 162. -Tomb I. Porlioii of loiieiwdinil seclion. for although he could not distinguish them after the twentieth course even with the aid of an opera-glass, he counted six holes on the penult ring which is lighted from above.- As three of these fall in the field of our sketch, they are indi- ' See ante, Vol. I. pp. 468-469, 479-480. - Thiersch only mentions those of the fifth and ninth course. But Dodwell and I.eake noticed that they were more plainly seen towards the top of the cupola, where they ran less risk of being removed.