Page:History of Art in Primitive Greece - Mycenian Art Vol 2.djvu/90

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Description and REStoftATiON of Tomb I. 65 of the distance, the largest must necessarily be placed topmost in the facade. The two crowning members required no great salience. The towering side-walls and the mound at the back would carry off most of the rain-water, a minimum of which alone would fall on the frontispiece, and thus make a gutter Fig. 271. — Tomb 1. Fragmcri of llie decoraiion of the fttjade. .,46. Green breccia. useless. We have yet to utilize the smaller of the twin bands, wherein triglyphs alternate with metopes {Fig. 273). The first idea that comes to the mind is to make it do duty as base to the triangle ; for its well-furnished design will harmonize well Via. 272. — Tamil I. Fragraenl of thedccoialion of the fa^ide. Height, o in., 262. Red porphyry. with the prominent situation it is to occupy in the facade. Nothing can be urged against it ; but, on the contrary, every- thing seems to counsel us to carry the ornament on the salient stones at either side of the triangle, so as to connect the latter with the adjoining surfaces, and establish by a frieze-Hke arrange- VOL. II. F