Page:History of Aurangzib (based on original sources) Vol 1.djvu/199

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CHAP. VIII.] PERSIANS GAIN FAME. 169 Indian troops recognised that in the Persians Enhanced mili- tary reputation of the Persians. they had met with more than their match. And throughout the rest of the century the rumour of a projected invasion from Persia used to throw the Court of Delhi into the greatest alarm.* For years afterwards the Persian peril hung like a dark cloud on the western frontier of India, and the Emperor Aurangzib and his ministers drew their breath more easily when any y warlike Shah of Persia died.

  • Masir-i-Alamgiri, 56-58, Alamgirnamah, 974, Anec-

dotes of Aurangzib, §§ 50, 51, and 52. Digitized by Microsoft Ⓡ